
Taang Week '11 Hat

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Day 6, only one more day to go.
This story takes place Sometime after Bitter Work, after a previous Taang Week fic "Class." P.S. I had help from a friend Robert, AKA Staredcraft

It was another day for Aang and his friends, another day of training in the arts of water and earthbending...with earthbending especially, since He and Toph became smitten with one another, and had kept their more...romantic moments a secret from Katara and Sokka.

However, supplies have run low and they needed to stop at a local village to stock up, we see the four walking around, Katara and Sokka Carrying goods in a few bags.

Katara: We sure got a good deal from that marketplace. It should last us for a few days...Unless Sokka eats it all.

Sokka: Oh ha-ha, little sister.

Toph: I still say I should have haggled for them. Showing my family symbol would have gotten us better choices.

Aang: Would that really work? I mean, how well known is your family.

Toph: Oh the Bei Fongs are pretty well known in the Earth Kingdom...Not sure about Ba Sing Se though, but I still have enough money to last us even after you stop the Fire Lord.

The three let out a few light laughs. After a moment, Toph started feeling hot, she wipes her forehead, already covered in sweat.

Toph: Whew...Is it just me or is it getting hotter?

Sokka: It must have hit Midday already, the Sun is right above us.

Toph: Ugh...I'm gonna fine some shade (walks off).

Katara: Ok, but don't wander too far off.

Toph: (mockingly) Yes, Mom.

Katara mumbles about being called mom and continued the shopping with Sokka and Aang. Toph walks around and notices some part of the ground wasn't as hot as the rest of it, realizing its shade, she earthbends a small pillar and sits on it.

Toph: Ahh...that's more like it.

Voice: (male) need relief from the heat, huh?

Toph noticed the man as she made her earth chair and figured he wouldn't bother her, so she got a bit annoyed when he started taking to her.

Toph: Yeah, what's it to you?

Man: Nothing, but maybe I can help you out. My shop sells hats, and it's always a good idea to wear a hat on a hot and sunny day.

Toph: Hats huh? Well, I suppose I could use a hat.

Toph lowers the pillar she was in and entered the shop. there were hats on clay bust of heads and a few handing on the walls in display.

Man: So, I have a few designs and hats made of different materials. Just pick the one you think looks good.

Toph: "Looks good?" Uh, buddy, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm blind.

Man: You are? Huh, You moved so naturally, I didn't notice. I'm sorry, would like any assistance.

Toph: That won't be necessary, I can still feel around.

She reaches to the wall, since she stood on a wooden floor, her senses made things look fuzzy. She places her hand over the many hats, they were all shaped the same, a wide cone shape, but they were made of different materials, some were straw, others were silk held in shape by stick, some made from think paper. She feels one that felt soft like feathers in a pillow. She removes her headband and looses her bun, letting her hair flow loosely on her back. She places the hat on her head.

Toph: Ooh...this feels comfortable. Very soft and cool.

Suddenly, she hears light lighter and recognizes it to be Aang's.

Toph: Aang, what are you doing here?

Aang: I told Katara I was going to stay with you, and it looks like I came just in time.

Toph: I'm thinking of Getting a hat. What do you think of this one?

Aang: (holds back laugh) Yeah...I suppose...if you don't mind looking like a chicken-hawk.

He then laughed louder, Toph couldn't see it but the hat she wore was completely covered in feathers, it was more of a decorative hat, worn at festivals and events like that. Toph felt a bit embarrassed not feeling the more elaborate designs and took it off.

Toph: I'm glad I could make you laugh.

Aang: (calms down) Sorry Toph, I-

He stopped as he noticed her hair was down...he had never seen her hair down before, it made her look more...beautiful, more exotic.

Toph: You what?

Aang: Wow Toph...your hair...

Toph: what, it's not a mess, is it?

She started patting her hair down, Aang moved closer and took her hand into his.

Aang: Far from look good without you hair up in a bun...more beautiful.

Toph blushed at that, with her hands holding his she could tell he was sincere when he said that.  

Toph: Well, if that's what you think, I'll keep it down more often.

Aang: I'd like that.

He looks up at the hats and noticed one that was silk, and had the same colors as Toph's outfit, beige and green. He takes it and places it on her head.

Aang: Hmm...that one looks good.

Toph: (feels hat) Hey not's simple...soft and comfortable-

Aang: (adds) and it matches your matches your pretty face.

Toph blushed more at that, unable to hold it, she moves in close and starts kissing him.

Aang: Hey, wait.

He takes her hat off and held it to the side of their faces.

Toph: Why are you doing that?

Aang: so no one can look in on us.

Toph: Hmm...I think I'll buy this hat.

With that, she leans in for a kiss, this time Aang kisses back, more lovingly.

Toph: (breaks kiss) You've still got it, Magic Lips.

Aang: I love you Toph.

Toph: I know.
Short, sweet and two the point. Hope you enjoyed it, read and review
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Day 6 of Taang Week: Hat. I thank :iconstaredcraft: for his help with this one

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender, that belongs to Nick
© 2011 - 2024 DragonWarrior24
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